Review: Clash of Kings by MK Hume


After I read The Once and Future King last year I really wanted to find out more about Merlin. I looked for weeks to find something that focused on his story, and then stumbled across this book almost accidently. It seems to have divided opinion, and I will say that it was not exactly what I expected.

I went in expecting magic, and I think that was the problem. The first half of the book really did grip me, and I read it in a few days, but then I found that the pace slowed down a bit, and my interest in the tale waned slightly as I realised it wasn’t really what I had expected. That said, once I adjusted my expectations and decided that this wasn’t Merlin as we know him, I began to appreciate it for what it was, a story depicting a bit of welsh history, the clash between the clans and what will lead on to be a tale of the history between Saxons and Celts, and I think if you go into this story expecting that rather than the idea of Merlin the Wizard, you will enjoy it a lot more.

Overall I am happy that I found this book, and would definitely recommend it, I’m looking forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy and will write a review of the story as a whole when I have finished them. 
