Review: Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker


How many times can I read different versions of the same story and still enjoy it? The answer, as always…at least once more!

The story of Troy has always been my absolute favourite, and Achilles is the original antihero. I have read Pat Barker before, and while the Regeneration trilogy was not really my cup of tea, I could recognise she was a brilliant author, and so I was very excited when I saw she’d turned her hand to ancient Greece!

As I was reading, there were moments when I was a little disappointed. There was something missing for me, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. That said, it was definitely a different take on the legend. Told through the eyes of Briseis, captured princess turned slave, there was a grittiness to the book that resonated. I also enjoyed it a lot more towards the end of the book, and after I finished it stuck with me in that way that all brilliant books do. So I think I have to admit that despite it not being as exhilarating and romantic as some other versions of this tale, however, I think that it’s realness provides a fresh perspective that will stick with you after you’ve turned the final page.
