Review: Ariadne by Jennifer Saint


Ariadne is such a familiar name but I must admit that since Theseus wasn’t my favourite hero tale to begin with, I hadn’t given much thought to her story.

All I can say is wow! I devoured this book. It was so easy to read and yet so brilliant at the same time because I really felt her injustice. It begins with the familiar tale of Theseus defeating the Minotaur with Ariadne’s help. After promising her the world Theseus abandons her on an island. Her sense of doom at her own loneliness and mortality was really poignant, and then when Dionysus finds her I rejoiced. Jennifer Saint took me on a rollercoaster of emotions with this book. I felt like Ariadne was such a good and relatable character and really came alive in the hands of a very good author.  Poor emotional little me was not prepared for the ending!

I absolutely adored this book and can’t wait to read more from this author! Definitely a five star read for me.
