Review: Web of Deceit by MK Hume

This was the third instalment of the Prophecy trilogy by MK Hume. The final book sees Merlin (Myrddion) head back to home shores and finally join up with Uther Pendragon, Ygerne, Gorlois and Morgan. So these were the mix of characters that had really attracted me to this book. I really love the Arthurian tales and I've been waiting to see these characters come together. 

It was definitely an interesting take on the Merlin origin story, I think I've said before, don't go in it expecting him to turn anybody into a frog because the magical element is missing from these tales, and instead the story depicts Merlin as he might have actually been. I found the first half of the book slow, but the character Ambrosius really shone, I felt like his character was so well written that in stark contrast to most of the ruthless men of power in this trilogy you could see why Merlin would want to follow him and even grew to love him in his way. 

The second half of the book was definitely much more fast paced, and I felt myself racing through it to find out what would happen with my heart in my throat. I liked how it came together in the end to pave the way for Arthurs story. 

Overall I'm glad that I stumbled across this series, it might now have been what I expected but it was definitely worth the read. 
